Something about the forest has always drawn me. As a child I saw magically fairies dancing in the branches and it was a place of peace. I still enjoy walking through the forest surrounding our house and I still want to live in a tree house. This is the path behind my house....doesn't this spark all kinds of fantasy thoughts?
My Celtic horoscope I'm a Birch Tree: (December 24-January 20) The God Lugh is associated with the Birch sign. He is responsible for inventing all manner of arts and crafts. If you are a Birch, then the white stag is your guardian animal, which is symbolic of your ambition and high ideals.
And because it's October and only weeks away from Halloween…there are plenty of 'spooky' myths about trees. The devil's tree…the Hocak believe trees are inhibited by wood spirits known as Wakacuna…and there is the whomping willow in Harry Potter. And I found this journal….
Doesn't he look like he'd guard all your secrets? Or if you use him as a story journal, I'm sure he would keep your hero and heroine safe....
What places do you go to make believe can come real? Have a great month!
WOW! Great blog and awesome picture of that journal!
Oh, I love trees too! I cannot be happy where there are not trees. Soon as we move to our new place, well, winter permitting, we will have tree house. One of my only fond memories of childhood is climbing trees.
I am not a Birch, but the birch tree is my favorite. We have a lot of them here in Alaska and it's mentioned many times in the Ophelia Dawson stories, usually with her barn owl (actually Ophelia belongs to the owl) perched in it.
I'm a city girl, but one place where I truly felt anything could happen was Vegas--both the city and the outskirts near the desert. Something about that place just speaks to my soul. I can't wait until I have the chance to go back.
Rebecca - I love journals. I'm going to do a series on my blog about journals...all the different ways to use them. I use a journal for each of my stories - a planner so to speak but the journal always reflects the story.
Kimber An & Seleste - Isn't it amazing how a place can talk to us and each differently. I think it's important for everyone to realize the place they need to be...so many people try to make themselves fit a place but it just leads to disaster.
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