I’m an author, rider, reader, animal lover. My bio says I live in Colorado with my three cats, my horse and my dog, which would be true, except that my horse actually lives about 15 minutes from my house, but it’s close enough for bio purposes.
Reading is a passion that has past beyond obsession. I read almost as much as I write, devouring books at a rate that makes my Kindle almost necessary now that I have one. Otherwise I predict my floor would collapse under the weight of piles of books within the next five years. I read fantasy, urban fantasy, science fiction, both adult and young adult. Every once in a while I delve into realms outside of my main reading habits, but it is rare.
Writing is also a passion that has gone beyond obsession. Even if I never got published I’d write. It’s become such an integral part of who I am. I’m very lucky to have recently earned the title of author. That’s such an amazing thing to me. I still giggle when I tell people I’m an author. Guess what, I write young adult and adult fantasy and urban fantasy. Bet you never would have guessed.
I love animals. I always have. I grew up with dogs and my own horde began with Tux, my male tuxedo cat. He claimed me as a kitten and paved the way for the other two cats that have come into my life over the last eight years. I’ve also had my horse for almost eight years. She’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Every little girl dreams of owning her own horse. (Well, not every little girl, but close!) How lucky am I that I get to live that dream? Sabaska, my Arabian mare, is my inspiration for many story ideas, and she’s the main character of my fantasy novel coming out later this year called Arabian Dreams. Yes, I love to write about animals. Kira is my year old Border Collie puppy and she has also inspired stories. Doc, my vampire-hunting dog, is based off of her. I do have stories without animals in them. Senior Year Bites doesn’t really have any animals. I mention a deer at one point, but that’s about it.
Anyway, that’s more than enough about me. Thanks for dropping in. Tell me, what sorts of books do you like to read? What are your favorites?
I read and write just like you. I devour books and can't stop writing. I love the pictures of your animals. LOVE THEM. Thanks for the intro. It was awesome.
Great post, J.A.!
Equines kinda scare me, but I have this secret fondness for donkeys and my eldest girl has always wanted her own horse. So, we might end up with our own herd once we move to our farm. But, I already know I want lots of chickens, Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and, of course, dogs and cats. And also ducks. And geese.
Rebecca, glad to hear it and I'm glad you liked my photos. thanks!
Kimber, Thanks :) Horses can be intimidating. They're big and they don't know they are so big - makes them more trainable, but sometimes they do step on feet. Ouch.
Love your farm idea. I'm gonna have one too someday.
It's always awesome finding out new things about people you know. :)
I love animals too, cats in particular. I was one of those kids that always wanted a pony growing up, until my aunt took me horseback riding, and then that was that (lol) So much work involved there!
I read like a woman possessed, typically about 3 books a week if I can squeeze them in. I love young adult books (of course) paranormal romance, fantasy, horror - pretty much anything that sounds interesting.
Thanks for the great introduction!
Ella, thanks!
Christie, I always wanted a pony. I have been riding since before I can remember... the work is worth it if you love it. If you don't, totally not worth it. :)
GREAT post, Julie! I've been "following" you on Facebook for so long now, it's nice to read this kind of Introductory piece and get to know you a little better! Now off the read 'Senior Year Bites,' which I download AGES ago!!!
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