1. What do you do when you are not writing? I enjoy a wide variety of interest. My top five are (1) cooking, (2) card making, (3) tarot/oracle readings (which I’m going to discuss on my blog on Wednesdays for awhile), (4) photography (also another blog topic – Tuesdays) and (5) reading – anything and everything.
2. Do you have a day job as well? Yes, I work in an urban self-contained school for serve emotional impaired children (ages 5 thru 26).
3. When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? I started writing in high school but I’m the queen of half finished projects. So it wasn't until many years later that I actually finished one.
4. How did you choose the genre you write in? I love to read hi-fantasy and to create a world totally of my own imagination was too much temptation to resist.
5. Where do you get your ideas? I’ve always been interested in the reflection in the mirror concept which is I used for The Night of the Gryphon series. My next series is set up using the magic of Odin & the Norse. ( The Norse zodiac is a topic I discuss on my blog)
6. Do you ever experience writer’s block? No, but I do suffer from server procrastination and I will follow all rabbits down a hole
7. Do you work with an outline, or just write? Writing a series requires some note taking especially a hi-fantasy. I need to remember what I named an animal and what it looked like.
8. Can you tell us about your upcoming series? The Night of the Gryphon deals with five main characters, the hollow king & warrior queen & the prince of light. During the three books, they learn what it means to love, that all have the ability to be good or evil at different times, and they must decide how much they will sacrifice for each other.
9. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? Ovezara. To write a character who is evil is great.
10. Will you have a new book coming out soon? The Warrior Queen is the second book in The Night Gryphon. It will be released in January 2012. The first book, The Hollow King (the trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCig5uOT2RA&feature=youtube_gdata ) introduced the characters and the quest but The Warrior Queen can be read alone (I had someone read it that hadn’t read The Hollow King to make sure ;). Now of course, while you’re waiting for The Warrior Queen to be released feel free to buy The Hollow King. :D
Thanks for stopping by…next month I’m going to blog about when make believe becomes real…hope to see you then. Between now and then you drop in on my blog at http://tasarlaromaney.wordpress.com/ where I’ll be discussing tarot cards, oracle cards, journaling, photography and much more.
Please leave a comment or e-mail me at tasarlaromaney@gmail.com if you any questions.
Hi there!! I love this series and I am so excited there is going to be more!
Thanks for sharing, Tasarla!
"To write a character who is evil is great."
Why are bad guys so much fun in storybooks, but such a drag in real life?
Kimber An - I think I enjoy writing Ovezara because I know her reasons and I know her outcome...in real life both are often a mystrey.
Rebecca - Thanks!
Bad guys are a lot of fun in novels! Thanks for sharing Tasarla. That book is on my list!
Yeah, it's like what that famous author said whom I quote all the time, but can't remember his name. "The difference between Fiction and Real Life is Fiction has to make sense."
Also, Fictional bad guys can be drop-dead gorgeous, like Anakin Skywalker or Yul Brynner as Pharoah Ramses. In real life, they're almost always ugly little creeps.
I think in the current YA world, Kimber, they might say Draco Malfoy
Oh, I like this?
Draco is adorable. And he's blond!
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