Friday, August 26, 2011
Signed Contract for Sweet Bytes Today!
I Have News!!!!
So back in May, I bid on a "book chat" from the Brenda Novak Auction for Diabetes Research and ended up winning it. That means that readers will be taking a look at Fallenwood, my fantasy novel, and chatting about it over at the Evil Editor blog -
The Fallenwood chat is coming up on Saturday, September 3rd, noon Eastern time, 9am Pacific time.
Please come and join in if you can!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Welcome to Hell House...

At least that’s what Danielle Stewart hopes for as the director of Hellsner Halfway House for Troubled Paranormal Teens. But all her plans come to an abrupt halt with the help of bickering teens, unannounced zombies, and a portal to hell, among other things. When the arguing leads to things quite literally going up in smoke, will Danielle find that her true calling lies elsewhere, or will the help of an unexpected angel show her the family she has longed for is right before her eyes?
That one small story opened up a new world for me. These characters screamed for my attention, demanding their stories be told. I'm typically more of a plotter when I write, but this time, I just seemed to be able to take a back seat while the characters drove their own stories.
Teenage fairy, Sora Starwind, was the first to demand her fair share of my time. Always honest, sometimes rude, Sora was banished from her people and wasn't too happy about it at all.

Sora Starwind just wants to have a normal life. Well, as normal as a banished teenage fairy living in a halfway house for paranormals can have. Squashing her magic mishaps is just part of the equation. Catching the eye of a certain hottie named Liam Crawford would be a plus, if she could only figure out how to not act like a complete dork around him. Then a surprise visit from her estranged mother brings an ultimatum that threatens to turn Sora’s world upside down. Unexpectedly faced with her past, Sora has to find the inner strength to deal with her banishment, but there’s more to her story than even she knows…
Sora came to life so brightly in my head, and her story kept surprising me at each and every turn. But then, Mr. Liam Crawford laid a secret of his own on her, and made her life even more complicated than it already was.

Teenage fairy, Sora Starwind, is finally making her way in the mortal world. The guy of her dreams, Liam Crawford, has asked her to his school’s Spring dance, and she finally feels, well, normal. Trouble is, Liam has a secret of his own that brings with it a whole new set of complications. Not only does Sora have to worry about Liam’s friends liking her, she also has to guard his secret, and deal with the school harlot that wants Liam for her own. Add a pair of obsessed paranormals that intend to unleash more chaos than just ruining her evening and Sora finds her newfound control stretched to the brink. Can she find more answers than questions this time, so that this first dance won’t also be her last?
I'm truly enjoying the ride this series is taking me on. There are so many stories to be told, I hope I can keep up with them! Zombies, fairies, shifters, ogres, imps - Hell House has them all! And I'm so excited to be able to share them with you!
--Christle Gray was born and raised in Ohio, but lives in Kentucky with her husband and one frisky black cat. She's a Gemini, which means she's of two minds about everything, and has more projects in progress than she can ever hope to complete in one lifetime. Her interests vary as widely as her opinions, and she's in no short supply of either. Just go ahead and ask. One of the many voices yammering on in her head is bound to answer.
Visit me on the web!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Another Introduction...
Friday, August 19, 2011
Julie Particka Gets Comfy

Friday News: Noble Publishing Accepts SWEET BYTES
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Welcome Christle Gray!

I’m an author, rider, reader, animal lover. My bio says I live in Colorado with my three cats, my horse and my dog, which would be true, except that my horse actually lives about 15 minutes from my house, but it’s close enough for bio purposes.
Reading is a passion that has past beyond obsession. I read almost as much as I write, devouring books at a rate that makes my Kindle almost necessary now that I have one. Otherwise I predict my floor would collapse under the weight of piles of books within the next five years. I read fantasy, urban fantasy, science fiction, both adult and young adult. Every once in a while I delve into realms outside of my main reading habits, but it is rare.
Writing is also a passion that has gone beyond obsession. Even if I never got published I’d write. It’s become such an integral part of who I am. I’m very lucky to have recently earned the title of author. That’s such an amazing thing to me. I still giggle when I tell people I’m an author. Guess what, I write young adult and adult fantasy and urban fantasy. Bet you never would have guessed.
I love animals. I always have. I grew up with dogs and my own horde began with Tux, my male tuxedo cat. He claimed me as a kitten and paved the way for the other two cats that have come into my life over the last eight years. I’ve also had my horse for almost eight years. She’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Every little girl dreams of owning her own horse. (Well, not every little girl, but close!) How lucky am I that I get to live that dream? Sabaska, my Arabian mare, is my inspiration for many story ideas, and she’s the main character of my fantasy novel coming out later this year called Arabian Dreams. Yes, I love to write about animals. Kira is my year old Border Collie puppy and she has also inspired stories. Doc, my vampire-hunting dog, is based off of her. I do have stories without animals in them. Senior Year Bites doesn’t really have any animals. I mention a deer at one point, but that’s about it.
Anyway, that’s more than enough about me. Thanks for dropping in. Tell me, what sorts of books do you like to read? What are your favorites?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hello, my name is Ella Grey
My first short story 'What a Way to Start the Day' featured fire witch and thief Molly O'Brien.
I was then very lucky to be given the opportunity to write a series of eshorts and that's what I'll be talking about on this blog.
I write paranormal YA, and #1 in the series is called 'Searching for Michael'
Rachel Valentine was eleven when her brother walked out of their family home and never came back. Five years later, whilst watching TV she sees her brother's face in the crowd. Locked away at a convent, where her parents think she can't get into any trouble, Rachel plots her escape, determined to find her brother. What else is a sister to do?
Alone in London, she discovers that the search for her brother is attracting the wrong kind of attention. Then she meets a man who says he can help her, but is he just someone else with plans of his own for her? Something strange is going on and if Rachel's not careful, they'll be adding her name to the steadily growing list of missing persons.
I like writing about flawed characters, and Rachel is very flawed. Her dad is a secret agent and Rachel learnt several skills from him. She's fearless and is willing to do anything to find her brother.
I hope you'll join her on her adventure :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
And Another New Author!
New Author!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Don't Push It
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday News: SUGAR RUSH Reviewed...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Are You Creatively Comfortable? A Blog Post About “Finding Your Fit” by Rusty Fischer
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hello...from where make believe becomes real

1. What do you do when you are not writing? I enjoy a wide variety of interest. My top five are (1) cooking, (2) card making, (3) tarot/oracle readings (which I’m going to discuss on my blog on Wednesdays for awhile), (4) photography (also another blog topic – Tuesdays) and (5) reading – anything and everything.
2. Do you have a day job as well? Yes, I work in an urban self-contained school for serve emotional impaired children (ages 5 thru 26).
3. When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? I started writing in high school but I’m the queen of half finished projects. So it wasn't until many years later that I actually finished one.
4. How did you choose the genre you write in? I love to read hi-fantasy and to create a world totally of my own imagination was too much temptation to resist.
5. Where do you get your ideas? I’ve always been interested in the reflection in the mirror concept which is I used for The Night of the Gryphon series. My next series is set up using the magic of Odin & the Norse. ( The Norse zodiac is a topic I discuss on my blog)
6. Do you ever experience writer’s block? No, but I do suffer from server procrastination and I will follow all rabbits down a hole
7. Do you work with an outline, or just write? Writing a series requires some note taking especially a hi-fantasy. I need to remember what I named an animal and what it looked like.
8. Can you tell us about your upcoming series? The Night of the Gryphon deals with five main characters, the hollow king & warrior queen & the prince of light. During the three books, they learn what it means to love, that all have the ability to be good or evil at different times, and they must decide how much they will sacrifice for each other.
9. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? Ovezara. To write a character who is evil is great.
10. Will you have a new book coming out soon? The Warrior Queen is the second book in The Night Gryphon. It will be released in January 2012. The first book, The Hollow King (the trailer - ) introduced the characters and the quest but The Warrior Queen can be read alone (I had someone read it that hadn’t read The Hollow King to make sure ;). Now of course, while you’re waiting for The Warrior Queen to be released feel free to buy The Hollow King. :D
Thanks for stopping by…next month I’m going to blog about when make believe becomes real…hope to see you then. Between now and then you drop in on my blog at where I’ll be discussing tarot cards, oracle cards, journaling, photography and much more.
Please leave a comment or e-mail me at if you any questions.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Guest YA Reader: Pick a Theme Song
Take it away, Kimber Jr!***
***Kimber An here: As a writer, I use the music to instantly transfer my imagination into the story's 'universe.' With four children, I don't have time for a muse!***
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Mixing fiction with history

Hello YA fans and welcome to the blog. I'm excited to help promote YA fiction in Digital First format and hope it becomes "the next big thing".
Yes, there's a lot going on in paperback/hardback YA releases but for the "niche" stories--books that are too short/too long or too "different" for traditional corporate publishers to invest in, e-publishers will be the go-to places much as they were for the adult romance readers who craved the type of stories it took the "Big 6 publishers" a long time to embrace.
Enough blathering on business models, let's talk cool book characters ^_^
I've loved all things history and paranormal ever since I can remember. The most fun I have in writing is being able to combine the two the way I did in Falling Through Glass with Emmi & Kae (names presented in western order firstname, lastname)
The Maeda of Kaga were allied with Japan's rulers from the days of Toshiie Maeda who was a general under warlord Nobunaga Oda. The family would eventually align itself via marriage with both the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Imperial Court. It was Maeda money from the dowry of the bride of Prince Toshihito which funded the completion of Kyoto's Katsura Imperial Villa where Emmi stays with her ancestor Takehito. Emmi wears a gold dragonfly pendant in honor of the dragonfly which adorned the front of Toshiie Maeda's war helmet.
The son of Prince Asahiko, adopted brother to Emperor Komei as well as his closest advisor. The Emperor said that he and Asahiko were like "two different branches that had grown together". Not wanting his son to be merely a "useless longsleeves" court noble, Kae's father would have sent him to be educated in a domain like Aizu-han which boasted the Nisshinkan school for boys of Samurai rank. There he would have studied not only martial arts but also astronomy, Confucianism and medical science from both Japanese and Dutch sources.While Emmi, her ancestor Takehito, and Kae are fictional Falling Through Glass does include many real historical figures such as Kae's father, Emperor Komei and his son Prince Sachi who would later become Mutsuhito, the Emperor Meiji.A few members of the Kyoto patrol group The Shinsengumi also play a part in Falling Through Glass.A major historical event was also used as a backdrop in the book. The Ikedaya Incident (also known as the Ikeda Affair).
Monday, August 1, 2011